Monday 30 March 2015

Late winter wanderings

At the end of February there was a bright but blustery day on which I went for a walk in the south of the island. The strong breeze made some lovely splashing waves on the rocky shore, though not quite as spectacular as the huge waves crashing into Peel the week before. The sun was out for a while, showing up the last of the snowdrops still hanging on, and the first of the daffodils coming through.

Last of the snowdrops
Wave splash

Catching the sun

At the beginning of March I had to leave the Isle of Man for a while, so back home in Northamptonshire, I again took advantage of another good weather day to take a walk around my local home patch to see what was about. I enjoyed a distant view of a red kite over the fields behind my house before following the lane down to the lake and catching a glimpse of a grey wagtail, as well as many robins singing loud and proud. Many were so caught up in song they didn't mind me getting quite close to take photos.

Grey wagtail
Red kite

...still singing

More updates to come on a great day spent at Leighton Moss, and a trip to Malta for the European Cetacean Society Conference.