Tuesday 18 February 2014

Natural pick-me-up

We've been pretty lucky with regards the flooding around my house, and my feet have stayed dry. However, the endless rain has left venturing outside somewhat lacking in appeal. There have been a few breaks in the downpours though, and I took advantage of one to go for a walk and do a little wildlife spotting.

Long tailed tit

There were a few buds beginning to form on the trees, and still some berries that have been missed by hungry animals. I managed to see a buzzard circling in the distance, got a brief glimpse of a sparrowhawk as it darted away from me, and stalked some skittish long tailed tits. I also saw my favourite of raptors, the red kite. I really enjoy seeing this bird so close to my house in South Northamptonshire. When we first moved here 17 years ago I never saw them over the town. After years of persecution they were on the brink of extinction in the UK. They clung on in a few places and have flourished following re-introductions. They weren't far away from my home, though, and I often spotted them whilst driving to work in Oxfordshire, and slowly they've spread. When I spotted the first one over the town a few years ago I got a little over excited and text my mum saying 'they're here!' Seeing one just a five minute walk from my house is certainly enough to lift my spirits.

Afternoon moon

Red kite

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